

网址://www.appgoesout.com 手机页面二维码 2021-05-06 15:23:00    

一次性餐具可谓是花样繁多 种类多大几百种。那么我们怎么挑选质量好的一次性环保餐具那?
Disposable tableware can be described as a variety of patterns, hundreds of varieties. So how do we choose good quality disposable environmental protection tableware?
大家都是知道 一次性环保餐具基本都是260度的高温一次性的注塑形成的,那么我们要先看下注塑的设备,是不是的设备,磨具是不是精细的 我们要通过餐具上的花纹来辨别,
As we all know, disposable environment-friendly tableware is basically made by one-time injection molding at 260 ℃, so we need to first look at the injection molding equipment, whether it is a kind of equipment, and whether the abrasive tools are fine. We need to distinguish them by the patterns on the tableware,
一个餐具的好坏也要通过手感来体验评价,如果你摸上去有毛刺感 那么不好意思 这种餐具是不合格的,如果你摸上去没有紧实感,也不好意思了。
The quality of a tableware also needs to be evaluated through the feeling. If you feel like a burr, then I'm sorry. This tableware is unqualified. If you feel like it's not tight, I'm sorry.
Then we'll take a look at the permeability. Take the tableware to the sun to see if it is transparent and free of impurities. If the tableware with impurities can be seen at a glance, and if the tableware is as transparent and shiny as crystal, it is a qualified tableware in forgiveness. It's just raw materials.
然后我们在看下餐具的硬度 质量等,我们通常测试是 往地上摔 站上人,用力掰等 这种压力测试,其实我们在正常使用的时候根本不会去掰餐具,简单的是你带个手套,然后拿个杯子 用力全捏,看下质量。质量不好的一捏就碎,质量好的你使劲捏 很难碎掉。伊诺特一次性餐具 我们压力测试一个180斤的大胖子站上去跳都没有问题,用力捏要两个手费很大力气才能碎裂,其他餐具暂时没有这个特质。
Then we are looking at the hardness and quality of the tableware. We usually test the pressure of falling to the ground, standing on people, and breaking. In fact, we don't break the tableware when we use it normally. The simple thing is that you wear a glove and then take a cup to pinch it to see the quality. The poor quality will be broken as soon as you pinch it, and the good quality will be hard to break if you pinch it hard. Yinuote disposable tableware we stress test, a 180 kg fat man stand up and jump all have no problem, pinch hard to two hands, it takes a lot of effort to break, other tableware temporarily does not have this characteristic.
然后我们看到了餐具的质量后 我们要看下卫生程度是关键的,厂区的周围环境啊 ,室内环境,环境等,综合考评。
Then we see the quality of tableware, we need to look at the hygiene level is the key, the surrounding environment of the factory, indoor environment, disinfection environment, comprehensive evaluation.